Business Valuation


Why obtain a specific value of the business?

  • Establish your starting line and distance to the desired finish
  • Reveal organization inefficiencies with up to 20 key financial performance indicators (KPI’s)
  • Utilize KPI’s in comparing organization’s performance with the norms for its industry
  • Test current exit objections
  • Provide importance tax information
  • Provide ownership (and employees) and objective basis for incentive plans

Veracity Advisers’ Business Valuation Facts:

Typical Business
Valuation Service
VA’s Online
Business Valuator
Costs $8,000 on
Costs a fraction of
that price
Lengthy real-world
7 simple online
Takes months to
Receive a
valuation in days

Your customized 20-page Business Valuation Report includes:

  • 4 business valuation scenarios, including asset sale value, equity sale value, enterprise value, and liquidation value.
  • Financial snapshot and 3-year summary, with a quick overview of business income, assets, and liabilities.
  • Comparative financial analysis and charts, including key performance metrics such as Sales and Cash Flow growth.
  • Competitive Ratio analysis comparing your business’s performance against your peers and identifying strengths and weaknesses.

Find out what your business is truly worth and start making better decisions for your company and its growth.